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HomeBusinessWhy do millennials opt for shared workspaces?

Why do millennials opt for shared workspaces?

The current agglomeration at the corporate is that of the millennial. Observing the presence of the Gen Y, it will not be incorrect to call them the current corporate rulers and the ones who set the trends. This can be observed with the way cohorts are entering into contemporary ventures that require minimum surveillance and allows them to focus on the core job. A coworking space does justice to them. Let us see the benefits and the reasons why millennial opt for shared workspaces are mentioned below:

  1. Smaller commitments: With the millennial occupied with generating new ideas and exploring vistas, the time at hand for such individuals is rather less. It is justified for them to opt for a shared working space with fewer commitments. A coworking space in Mumbai allows them to get rid of responsibilities like rent, management of the space and handling administrative issues. Hence a coworking space works best for them.
  2. Costs are less: Alleviated costs with little responsibilities and a flawless business center appear to be a dream! And the millennials are living this dream in the coworking space. As most of them are plunging into startups, the need to have a furnished office space is there, but not necessarily a permanent set-up. Moreover, the aim to spend less is also fulfilled when a coworking space charges only for the number of hours used. This mitigates their expenses and enhances their capital that can be optimally utilized in the startup business.
  3. Special encouragement is done for the startups: As mentioned earlier, cohorts that venture into startups intend to minimize their finances in setting up the office. This contemporary set up is feasible through a coworking space as the monthly rent is not on the mind. This ensures the founder that he/she is not spending on infrastructure costs and in setting up the basics. For such mindsets, a working space is indeed a boon. The coworking spaces are furnished and equipped with the paraphernalia that is requisite for their day-to-day operations. 
  4. Centrally located: A lot of coworking spaces are aptly located, allowing easy access from either a personal vehicle or through a public one. This location advantage may not be there if you own a place or rent a place. And to get such a location advantage, one will need to spend a huge amount. With the uncertain future of the startup, it is wise to opt for a coworking space where you are placed at the center of the city with amenities in the vicinity.
  5. Opportunities to network: A common platform is a prerequisite for the millennial to share new ideas and make their scope far-reaching. This is possible at a coworking center as you tend to meet people of the same wavelength. This interaction with others of the allied fields is beneficial not only personally, but also professionally. It is thus, an immaculate way of networking and streamlining the work to pave the way towards a successful business.
  6. Preference to coworking space as compared to traditional ones: The traditional offices do not offer the networking, the timelines and sometimes have political pressures too. The coworking space is reflected as a place where you can defy timelines and can still work in a fully functional office that is loaded with amenities, including luxurious ones.  It is important to work at a place that proffers more mental peace where your creativity is not hindered by a 9 to 5 timeline. This flexibility is the most important attribute of a coworking space.
  7. If any of these sounds like you, IKEVA can assist you! We will load your quiver with options that will suit your style and your space without any restriction on the timeline. The spaces we provide for work are equipped with more than the basics and become the foothold of your professional advancement. Begin the startup, and choose as your working partner. Together we will tread the steps to victory and an illustrious future.

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